If you believe that your child has been sexually abused by a daycare worker, call our law firm. We can help you file a lawsuit in order to seek justice for your child.
Most parents leave their children in day care centers all day or after school due to a busy work schedule. Daycare facilities offer a valuable service to many working families. Unfortunately, sexual predators exist in all spheres of society, and daycare centers are no exception. Sexual abuse of a child in daycare has been on the rise in the last couple of decades due to a combination of factors which we’ll take a look at shortly.
Sexual abuse takes on many forms and can impact the physical and emotional wellbeing of a child for the rest of their life. The trauma of being violated by an adult who was entrusted to take care of a child might manifest itself in numerous bizarre or out-of-the-ordinary behaviors.
Here are a few signs that may point to possible sexual abuse:
- Newfound interest in sex and genitalia.
- Erratic behavior such as temper tantrums that weren’t there before.
- Genital area trauma.
- Development of an STD.
- Torn or blood-stained clothing.
- The child may have a hard time sitting, standing or walking.
- Night terrors or nightmares.
- Bedwetting.
- Refusal to go back to the daycare.
Signs of sexual abuse should be taken very seriously. Be aware that as most cases of sexual abuse involve some form of intimidation, is may be difficult to get them to speak out since they fear that they may be subjected to some form of further punishment if they do.
Daycare centers are required to screen potential employees to ensure that they have a clean criminal record and don’t have any offences that may jeopardize the safety of children. Additionally, these centers are supposed to have security measures to stop or prevent cases of sexual abuse. This isn’t always the case, and this negligence on the daycare center’s part may mean that children could become vulnerable to these predators.
If your child has been molested, raped, or otherwise sexual abused by a daycare professional, you need to seek medical and legal help for them as soon as possible. Medical professionals can help you determine if sexual abuse has occurred, the police can arrest and file charges against the abuser, and a lawyer can help you seek financial restitution to assist with your child’s needs.
Ensuring that you get legal representation to help you file a lawsuit will work to prevent the perpetrators from ever being able to abuse children again. A lawsuit can also ensure that you get the compensation that your child deserves (including money for therapy and other treatment costs). At the end of it all, we want to help you get justice and compensation for your child and family as well as seek out appropriate punishment for the perpetrators of the act. Please call us today at 1-877-403-9378 for your free consultation today. We look forward to hearing from you.