Some daycare facilities don’t live up to their promises to parents. While such a situation may be inconvenient, there are others that are much more dangerous. In some cases, abuse in daycare may go on for a very long time…
Sometimes, parents develop a sense that something is wrong without really knowing the specifics. In cases where this involves your child’s daycare facility, the stakes are obviously very high. Daycare facilities have a unique bond of trust with parents and…
A daycare abuse law firm may be able to help you get compensation if your family has been victimized by a negligent facility. Negligence doesn’t only mean incompetence. If the firm you hired to provide daycare services failed in their…
Daycare abuse is one of the most devastating problems that families can face. After the abuse has been stopped, there are still options available, however, that allow families to fight back against the abuse. The most important thing, however, is…
Not all lawsuits are the same. Depending upon what the suit is being filed over and the area of expertise called for, some legal counsel will be far more effective than others. If your family has fallen victim to an…
Daycare child abuse can have devastating effects on the most defenseless members of society. As a parent dealing with the aftermath of abuse, you will likely find yourself wanting to do everything you can for your child, as would any…
Abuse in daycare, aside from its most profound effects, can cause significant financial damages to a family. The Dallas based Rasansky Law Firm handles these kinds of cases and would be happy to evaluate your case free of charge. Contact…
Abuse in daycare can sometimes go on for many years. In some cases, there may be one abuser who travels between various facilities. When this happens, there may be several different businesses, or even cities or states, involved in the…
A daycare abuse lawsuit is obviously a sensitive thing. It may involve no small amount of trauma for the child or children involved and, of course, for the parents, as well. A daycare abuse attorney is one who has experience…
As a parent, it is important to understand some of the telltale signs that your child is either being abused or neglected at their daycare facility. If your child's behavior has changed or if your child begins to act out…