When choosing a quality daycare center, there are things to look for to avoid daycare neglect. This involves asking the proper questions and physically observing the surroundings of the center. It’s best to start searching at least six months prior…
Daycare providers play a very important role in many people’s lives these days. They are entrusted with the weighty responsibility of keeping our children safe. No one likes to consider the possibility that their children could be in harm’s way…
In Michigan each day before the school bus comes to pick up the neighborhood’s children, Lisa Snyder did a favor for three of her fellow moms, welcoming their children into her home for about an hour before they left for…
Swine flu isn’t the only thing parents have to worry about when they drop their little ones at the daycare center. A worker at an Okalahoma City daycare center was recently diagnosed with the bacterial disease, meningococcal meningitis. The Oklahoma…
News from Philly.com posted online today that Concetta Jackson had a pedophile boyfriend whom she allowed to put cameras in bathrooms to video tape children in her care as well as handed over 12 children to him. She has been…
The Texas Department of State Health Services has passed an emergency rule and your kids may be on their way to a room full of unvaccinated children. Schools can provisionally let students enroll even though they do not have their…
We have heard a lot about the swine flu and are familiar with the H1N1 symptoms. (Read more on our blog, “Are we H1N1’d to death?”) but how prepared are we? How prepared is your daycare? The Center for Disease…
There have been a lot of product recalls within the last month. Items of food you are likely to find a child eating or drinking. Just this month, molasses cookies, nature snacks, melons, cheese and white bread were recalled! Although…
There are several issues related to breathing issues for our infant that are preventable. We just need to be aware of them. When you leave your child with a childcare provider or use an infant product, make sure they meet…
As we continue to tighten our belts in this economy we look for all kinds of ways to cut back on costs. Since childcare can be a huge portion of most families budgets, it is natural that we look at…