
Our attorneys knows this is a difficult time for you and your loved ones. We know that bills may be piling up and money is growing tight. That is why we offer a 100% FREE case evaluation to all of our daycare abuse clients. Furthermore, you don’t pay us unless you win your case!

Some parents try to save money by having daycare provided by people they know or who are recommended to them by friends. Many of the people who provide these services are well intentioned and mean no harm to the children. The danger, however, is that a daycare facility run out of someone’s home is not equipped to handle more children than the average family would have. In fact, there are real hazards to health and safety that come from having a child in a facility that is not designed to be used as a commercial daycare.

Why Is this the Case?

For a rough analogy, think about the differences between a commercial kitchen and the kitchen in your home. The commercial kitchen is designed so that it can be cleaned easily, so that it meets very strict safety standards for fire and other disasters and so that it meets regulations for equipment safety. A commercial daycare facility is similar in many regards. The space is designed so that it can be occupied by many people at the same time. The cribs, chairs, tables and other furnishings are designed to be durable and safe. The bathrooms and other facilities are designed so that they can be cleaned thoroughly. A single-family home cannot boast these features.

In a commercial daycare facility, there are some important safety features that homes do not have, as well. For example, there are sprinkler systems, fire alarms and lighted exit signs that are designed to prevent people from being stuck inside in the event of a fire. There are also very high-security doors and locks that can keep intruders out. Homes do not have these features.


The people who come in and out of a private home that is not a licensed daycare are not screened the way they are at a professional facility. Your children may be accessible to the neighbors around the home daycare facility, but the neighbors wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near them at a professional facility.

If you have your child in an unlicensed facility and they are abused, it may be more difficult to deal with than it would be at a professional facility. In any case, you should contact a daycare abuse lawyer about any instance of daycare child abuse. They can take a look at your situation and see if it would be a good idea to file a lawsuit.

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