
Our attorneys knows this is a difficult time for you and your loved ones. We know that bills may be piling up and money is growing tight. That is why we offer a 100% FREE case evaluation to all of our daycare abuse clients. Furthermore, you don’t pay us unless you win your case!

Another unfortunate news story came about today as there are reports of a Grapevine preschool teacher accused of inappropriately touching a three year-old student. The teacher in question turned himself into authorities Wednesday. Authorities say that the little girl went home after school and told her father of the incident.

Her parents quickly notified the daycare, Child Protective Services and the police, all of whom acted quickly. The school has reported that this teacher had no prior records and nothing to lead them to believe he was capable of such behavior. Authorities also believe that in situations involving children this young, they are usually telling the truth.

According to Stop It Now!, an advocacy group for the prevention of child abuse, 1 in 4 children are sexually abused in some way before the age of 18. This is a terrible statistic and one that should lead to parents keeping a more watchful eye on their children. Although you might think it could never happen to your child or your family, it is imperative for parents to educate to their children on the issue. Parents should explain to their children at a young age the importance of avoiding these types of situations and the proper ways to handle such a circumstance. Children should also understand the importance of telling an adult if an unfortunate event like this occurs.

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