Discovering daycare abuse is always disturbing. Most of the time, parents are understandably going to be in quite a spin about what they should do to deal with the situation. There are a few things you need to keep in…
Preschool abuse takes many forms. The signs of abuse may differ somewhat between the different forms it takes, but there are some signs that are very common. Most of these signs are psychological. Unfortunately, none of these signs mean that…
If you have a child enrolled in a daycare facility and they have a pattern of being injured at that facility, you may want to consider whether there is daycare abuse going on. There are some signs that you can…
According to, a daycare worker was arrested on August 5, 2011 on allegations of abuse. The alleged abuse was perpetrated against a five-year-old boy. In the story, the mother described seeing "bruises, blood blisters and fingernail scratches" all over…
If you see the signs and symptoms of daycare abuse in your child, you have good cause to be worried. You can take some actions to determine whether or not there is a situation that needs to be addressed going…
Paying attention to how your child is faring after being enrolled in a daycare facility is the single best way to determine whether or not that facility is negligent in the delivery of its services.
Daycare abuse is more common than most people may think. It is important for parents to have a keen eye for detecting suspicious signs that may indicate abusive or negligent daycare staff members. The Dallas based Rasansky Law Firm handles…
Depending upon how active your child is, it may be fairly common for them to get bumps and bruises from playing. Sometimes children who have a few scrapes now and then are actually the healthiest children around. There are times,…
There are some daycare abuse scenarios that are much more common than others. While the media tends to concentrate on the most sensational cases, many of the cases that are brought against daycare providers allege daycare neglect as much they…
Daycare Abuse is alot more common than people may think. Being overly cautious has never hurt anyone. Look for signs of physical and psychological abuse. This abuse has long term effect on children. Report to a lawyer if suspicions lead…