
Our attorneys knows this is a difficult time for you and your loved ones. We know that bills may be piling up and money is growing tight. That is why we offer a 100% FREE case evaluation to all of our daycare abuse clients. Furthermore, you don’t pay us unless you win your case!

Daycare and preschool facilities have to be up to the highest standards to be trusted. Investigating these facilities to find out if they live up to these standards sometimes takes a little bit of guidance. Here are some things that you should think about when you’re considering whether or not a daycare facility is a good choice.

Open Design

When you go to a daycare facility, pay attention to the layout of the building. The ideal situation would be one where there are hardly any places where a child can be isolated. A perfect building would have no place where a child could be isolated, but this is not likely something you’re going to find. Glass doors, open spaces and play areas that don’t have any spots where somebody could pull a child aside without anyone noticing are all good things in a daycare facility.


At this point, installing security cameras is so inexpensive that any facility that doesn’t bother with this is quite simply skimping on the services they provide the children. Ask them if they have security cameras at the facility. There should be cameras near the entryways so that anybody coming in or leaving can be recorded.


Ask the administration what types of licensing they require their employees to have. In addition to this, ask them what additional forms of training are available among their staff members. For example, some daycare facilities – the very good ones – will not only have licensed daycare workers available, but will also have workers available who have daycare licensing and other qualifications, such as ones related to working with children with special needs, experience with physical education or other qualifications that make them excellent resources for the children.

Daycare facilities have to be inspected on a regular basis. Make certain that your daycare facility can show you the records that prove they were inspected and that they passed in every regard. This is a basic necessity for any daycare facility.

In some cases, daycare negligence can manifest in even the best of facilities. If your child has been the victim of daycare child abuse and you believe it was the negligence of the facility involved that allowed it to go on, be sure to contact an attorney. An attorney can give you information about filing a lawsuit and, if they think you have a good chance of winning one, they may want to represent you and your child.

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