Daycare abuse comes in many shapes and forms. However, one of the most overlooked forms of daycare abuse is the type that’s doled out by other kids.
Bullying is a major issue in this country and it typically tends to happen over a long period of time. A child may not report instances of bullying due to several reasons. Many parents may misinterpret such occurrences as simple fooling around or “kids being kids.” That said, bullying takes its toll with time, leaving the child with lasting physical and mental scars.
Things You Need to Pay Attention To
There are various things you need to pay attention to if you suspect that your child is being abused by a bully at their daycare center. Here’s a short list:

- The child, who was once outgoing and gregarious, has become shy and withdrawn.
- The child starts getting frequent nightmares and night terrors.
- The child flinches when you reach out to touch him/her.
- Your kid cries and refuses to go to the daycare when it’s time to do so.
- The child has bruises/marks on his body that never seem to heal.
- The child loses his appetite all of a sudden.
- Your kid suddenly becomes aggressive and starts throwing temper tantrums for no reason.
All these point to something being wrong. It’s important to note that just because your kid was abused by another doesn’t mean you can’t seek legal recourse against the daycare center itself. These centers are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that children are kept safe at all times. However, the daycare or its workers must be aware that the abuse is taking place in order for them to take action to prevent it from happening in the future.
If one of the daycare workers knew about the incident(s) and didn’t do anything about it (or didn’t do enough to prevent future abuse), you may have a case since the worker’s actions clearly illustrate negligence on their part. Ideally, the daycare center should alert you immediately if they witness an act of bullying and/or abuse so you can take the needed action. In the case of negligence leading to abuse, you can sue and recover damages which will help you pay for your child’s hospitalization, therapy bills and any other expenses you may have incurred due to such an event.
Lastly, when made aware of such an incident, a daycare center should put in place measures which would effectively stop these kinds of things from happening. This may include things like:
- Heightened monitoring;
- Separating the children as much as possible;
- And speaking with the other child’s parents.
If your child suffered some form of abuse in the hands of a bully at a daycare center, please call the daycare abuse lawyers at Rasansky Law Firm (toll-free) at 1-877-403-9378 today.