Your family’s protection should be your number one concern. As a parent, you know this only too well and will go to any lengths to make sure that your kids get the care and protection that they need.

Has your child been abused or otherwise injured while at a day care in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Norman, or another area of Oklahoma? Speak with an attorney (for free) about your options by calling 1-877-403-9378.
When you enroll your child into a daycare or child care facility, you trust that the institution will uphold its commitment to keeping your child safe every moment of every day. When you entrust someone else with a child who’s young and in their formative years, you expect that they’ll receive the care that they need to grow up into responsible and well-adjusted young adults.
However, when you learn that someone you trusted took away your child’s joy and innocence, your responsibility as a parent is to do whatever it takes to ensure that this incident gets stopped in its tracks and that the person responsible gets the punishment that they deserve.
Child abuse within Oklahoma daycare center seems like the last thing that would happen to your child. The truth is that these incidents happen WAY too often.
Dealing With Daycare Abuse in Oklahoma? We Can Help
If you have a child that’s been abused, you need an attorney who will help you seek justice and compensation for your little one. Rasansky Law Firm has more than 20 years of experience in protecting the rights of children, and we’ll help you carry out the needed activities as required by the law such as filing a claim against the abuser or institution, referring you to mental health professionals who have expertise in treating psychological trauma, helping you understand what the law says regarding this matter, and taking your case to court and ensuring that you get the justice and compensation that your family deserves and needs.
If you suspect that your child is being abused, there are a couple of things you need to do immediately:
- Take your child out of the daycare.
- Record any evidence by photographing bruises, burns or cuts.
- Contact the police immediately.
- Get in touch with Rasansky Law Firm for legal representation.
There are a couple of warning signs which might point to the fact that your child is being abused.
- Your child suddenly becomes withdrawn and shy.
- Your child wakes up multiple times each night due to night terrors.
- Your kid becomes a picky eater and suddenly loses his appetite.
- Your child starts becoming belligerent and aggressive for no reason.
- Your kid starts showing inappropriate interest in sexual topics.
- Your child reverts to infantile behavior after he or she has outgrown them (such as thumb sucking).
- Your child starts wetting his or her bed often.
It’s important to make sure that you speak to your child as often as possible to find out what exactly goes on at the day care. This is especially vital if you suspect that there’s some form of abuse going on. You can hang around the daycare for a couple of minutes when you come to pick your kid up just to see if kids are behaving normally or if there’s a certain worker who may seem too aggressive or harsh with the kids. In fact, we recommend that you make a few surprise visits during the day in order to get a more-accurate view.
Remember, abusers come in various shapes or forms. They could be:
- The employees of the daycare in question.
- A church member who makes regular stops at the center.
- Another child.
- A coach or teacher.
- A maintenance or office worker.
Always ensure that you choose a licensed daycare to be on the safe side. If your child was abused at his daycare center in Oklahoma, please get in touch with us at 1-877-403-9378 for your free consultation today.