
Our attorneys knows this is a difficult time for you and your loved ones. We know that bills may be piling up and money is growing tight. That is why we offer a 100% FREE case evaluation to all of our daycare abuse clients. Furthermore, you don’t pay us unless you win your case!

One of the things that daycare abusers generally excel at is hiding their tracks. If they happen to work at a negligent daycare facility, this is much easier for them. Daycare negligence can be hidden in many different ways. Be alert for the signs.

Secretive Staff

If you’re talking to the administration and they seem less than willing to answer any questions you have for them directly, consider it suspicious. Competent daycare facilities will generally go out of their way to make certain that parents feel like they have all their questions answered. They understand that there is a tremendous trust relationship between parents and the daycare centers that they use and that means that they are generally willing to answer as many questions as are asked of them.


Sometimes, people who perpetrate abuse at daycare facilities will intimidate children out of saying anything about the abuse. This is actually a fairly easy tactic for users. They can threaten the child’s parents, the child themselves, the child’s pets or anybody or anything that the child cares about. Remember that a child is essentially helpless in the face of an adult, so any child, no matter how bold they may normally be, can be intimidated this way.


If your child turns out to have been abused in some way and you are immediately offered a settlement by the daycare facility operator, you need to contact an attorney. This may be an indication that something far worse than you suspected is actually going on and they are trying to get you to drop the matter so that it is not revealed. In most instances, the people who run daycares and find out that an abuser has been in their employ are likely as disturbed as are the parents who find out. This is not always the case, however. Some daycare facility operators would rather hush things up and stay profitable.

A daycare facility that fails to take reasonable action that would’ve prevented your child from coming to harm or that takes an action that puts them in a position where they do come to harm may have been negligent. Contact a daycare negligence law firm if you believe that daycare child abuse has been perpetrated against your child. There aren’t always accompanying criminal cases in these instances. Making sure that child abuse stops is the first thing you have to do. Finding out what rights your child has and what you can do on their behalf is the second thing.

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