A recent case in Idaho gives a good example of how sexual abuse in daycare centers is sometimes stopped. The best way to stop it, of course, is to also get the abuser to admit what they’ve done, nearly assuring a conviction. In the Idaho case, the police called the abuser, posing as the father, and got the abuser to admit that he had been engaging in sexual abuse toward a child. This led to his arrest and got the abuser out of the daycare. Not all cases are this clean-cut, however.

Other Methods

Some of the best ways to detect and prevent  are technological. Cameras should be installed in any daycare facility you consider for your child and you should be able to verify that the employees do not have access to the recording equipment, preventing evidence from being destroyed.

There should also be no place in the daycare facility where an abuser could isolate a child and abuse them without being noticed. Make sure you tour the facility and verify this.


Parents play an integral role in detecting and stopping sexual abuse in daycare centers. Make sure you talk to your children about their day at the facility and watch out for signs of abuse. These signs can include psychological and physical ones, so you have to be on your toes. Remember to take a child to the ER if you see injuries and you’re suspicious of how they got there. It’s not unusually for children to get some bumps and bruises now and then, but if you’re not sure how they got there or if your child simply will not tell you, take them to a doctor.

If you’re suspicious but don’t have any concrete evidence, talk to your child and talk to other parents who use the same facility. There is a chance that they’ll have some suspicions if something is going on and they may be great resources for getting something done about it.

There’s no reason for a child to be abused in a daycare in any shape or form, but the worst kinds of abuse can, and do, happen. Be sure you talk to someone about it if you have suspicions. If you feel the need to go to law enforcement, do so. You may be helping your child in ways that you’re not even aware of.



2525 McKinnon Street

Dallas, Texas 75201


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