
Our attorneys knows this is a difficult time for you and your loved ones. We know that bills may be piling up and money is growing tight. That is why we offer a 100% FREE case evaluation to all of our daycare abuse clients. Furthermore, you don’t pay us unless you win your case!

Dealing with abuse in daycare is one of the most sensitive situations imaginable. If you’re only suspicious but haven’t any hard evidence, it’s natural to not even want to bring it up. After all, accusing someone of abusing a child is accusing them of one of the most deplorable actions imaginable. Daycare abuse can take many forms and each situation will have its own unique characteristics. This means that how you deal with it may well depend upon the specific situation. If you suspect that neglect or abuse is going on, talk to other parents. You don’t have to be accusatory toward the facility and you don’t have to imply anything. You can simply ask them how they feel about their experience at the facility and how their child likes it.

If something happens to your child at a day care, you should expect the daycare provider – daycare teachers or, nurse or other officials – to tell you about it. Texas law requires daycare providers and anyone else who witnesses daycare abuse to report it within 48 hours. According to the Texas state childcare licensing department, “Even if there’s an incident at the day care that may not be abuse or neglect, but there’s still risk to a child there, they’re also required to report that to our department as well.” State law requires daycare providers inform parents when their children is suspected of being abused, but it does not require the daycare provider to inform other parents.

One of the most common warning signs that there is daycare abuse going on is a child acting guilty. In some cases, abusers will threaten children so that they don’t reveal what’s going on at the daycare. In some cases, the abuse will somehow be blamed on the child by the abuser.

Children who are suffering abuse in daycare are oftentimes filled with dread when they know they have to go back. Watch out for children who act out dramatically when they’re being brought to daycare. They may also constantly try to engineer their way out of going, such as by faking illnesses or throwing temper tantrums.

Aftermath of Abuse

Daycare abuse is detrimental to the growth of your child. It can damage your child physically, sexually and emotionally. The long-run repercussions may be quite disastrous. If your child suffers any kind of abuse, he or she may not be able to concentrate on school and other activities that are important for the complete development of your child. The scars of abuse last a long time and are not easy to forget. As a result, your child may have permanent psychological damage. However, as parents, it is your responsibility to make your child feel comfortable. You should make a sincere effort to make your child’s life normal again. The child needs your care and affection during this difficult period. Here are some of the things that you should know.

Talk to Your Child

Talking is one of the most important steps to help your child adjust with the post-daycare neglect situation. Converse with your child and try to make him or her comfortable. Assure your child that he or she can easily come out of this difficult situation. However, do not scold or pressure your child just to obtain the desired information. He or she may not be in a position to disclose everything about the abuse, so do not put extra pressure on your child. Family is the first institution in a person’s life; as a result, family support becomes all the more critical. If the family is supportive, the child can overcome any difficult situation.

Consult a Doctor

Once you know that your child has suffered abuse in daycare, immediately call a doctor and fill her in on the situation. The doctor will counsel you on how to deal with your child post-abuse. The doctor might also prescribe certain medicines for the quick recovery of your child. Considering the deteriorating health of your child, consulting a doctor is always the best thing to do.


Getting in touch with a psychologist is really of great help. He can counsel your child to forget the past and start a new future. The psychologist understands the psychological and emotional needs of your child. Therefore, he is the best person to help your child recover from the scars of daycare child abuse. The psychologist uses various psychological techniques and therapies to address the psychological issues of your child. If the abuse is emotional, the psychologist can give you valuable suggestions to manage the changed behavior of your child. He does not act as a professional but behaves like a friend to your child.

How to Death With Daycare Abuse

Abuse in daycare is unforgivable because it greatly impacts the growth of your child. Reporting daycare abuse is essential. In addition, you should exercise considerable caution before choosing any daycare facility for your child. Taking preventive measures can protect your child’s well-being. However, once abuse has happened, remedial measures become highly important.

You do have options to recover financial damages from the affair. A daycare abuse attorney can help you to file a lawsuit against the abusers. This may mean going to court and seeking a jury award, though it sometimes ends in the facility offering a settlement to the affected parties. Either way, it’s an avenue for you to be compensated for what you and your family have been put through.

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