
Our attorneys knows this is a difficult time for you and your loved ones. We know that bills may be piling up and money is growing tight. That is why we offer a 100% FREE case evaluation to all of our daycare abuse clients. Furthermore, you don’t pay us unless you win your case!

What is Abuse?

A daycare center should be a safe haven where you can leave your child with experienced and qualified minders for a certain period of time to attend to your busy schedule. While this is almost always the case, there are instances where your child may get the wrong end of the deal and suffer some form of abuse from someone you trusted to take care of them. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the various types of abuse as well as what you can do to stop this behavior in its tracks.

Children are naturally intuitive and trust easily. At the same time, their stature makes them vulnerable targets of abusers. There is no excuse for abusing a child; you as a parent should do everything to make sure that they are protected. One of the things you can do if you suspect your daycare center of being abusive is to look for certain behavioral pointers that weren’t there a few weeks or months ago.

Detecting daycare abuse.

Some of the red flags which may point to abuse include:

  1. Aggressive behavior in a child who was initially passive.
  2. Cuts and bruises which keep increasing with each passing day or week.
  3. Crying or refusing to go to the daycare center; this may indicate fear and consequences of attending daycare where there’s an abuser who lies in wait for the child to come over.
  4. Bed wetting, nightmares and frequent nighttime waking.
  5. Your child flinches when you raise an arm.

Abuse can take on many forms: physical, sexual or emotional. While emotional abuse may not have visible clues, it’s important to carefully monitor your child’s behavior especially if your instincts tell you that something isn’t going right.


Spanking is a type of physical abuse where a child is essentially slapped. Some daycare individuals may rationalize this by saying that it’s a form of discipline. The law expressly prohibits spanking, meaning that you can actually file a lawsuit against the daycare center for physical abuse. You should also teach your child to be more expressive and communicative so they can tell you if they’re being abused.

If you still have questions or concerns regarding daycare abuse, please get in touch with us by calling 1-877-403-9378. We’d be happy to help you identify whether abuse has taken place as well as get compensation for your child’s suffering and possible prosecution for the abusers. We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you being proactive.

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