
Our attorneys knows this is a difficult time for you and your loved ones. We know that bills may be piling up and money is growing tight. That is why we offer a 100% FREE case evaluation to all of our daycare abuse clients. Furthermore, you don’t pay us unless you win your case!

In what is sure to be a shocking investigation, child welfare officials and daycare inspectors have arrested two daycare operators for child endangerment.

The Houston Chronicle is reporting that child welfare officials, in an investigation of the home-based daycare due west of Houston, Texas, found several children locked in an outdoor storage shed, amidst gasoline, insecticides, lawnmowers and other outdoor equipment.

The investigation was initiated after a concerned citizen reported too many children at the facility on Wednesday afternoon. The facility is presently licensed to care for three children at a time – not the 14 found on the premises, ages ranging from toddlers to preteens. Though an inquiry could take as long as month, the facility was immediately shut down this morning and the facility directors arrested.

Our thoughts

Thank goodness for “concerned citizens.” The thought of our children locked in an outdoor shed with harmful, volatile chemicals in July temperatures is outrageous. That kids of all ages would be mixed together, presenting any number of developmentally inappropriate situations, shocks our conscience. Even Child Protective Services spokespeople agree: “It’s really, really frightening about what could have happened. Anything could have happened.” Child neglect, child endangerment, physical abuse, and more – it’s amazing nothing serious happened no matter how long this situation had been allowed to exist. Our hearts are with the families throughout this investigation – and our disgust falls to the negligent daycare operators.

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